
Sir Winton: "I know crowds of people who go to church and synagogue who aren't religious .... religion, in most cases is a facade."


John Lenon: "Imagine no possessions,...no need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people sharing all the world".


Marx: "The struggle against religion is ... the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion".


Parseus: "someday, someone gonna have take a stand. Someday, someone gonna have to say enough".


Ben Echo: "If forgiveness is the absence of law enforcement, than forgiveness is nothing but anomie".

Peace on Earth


The Church's One Foundation

The Church's one foundation
Is Jesus Christ her Lord;
She is His new creation
By water and the Word:
From heav'n He came and sought her
To be His holy Bride;
With His own blood He bought her,
And for her life He died.

I Believe

Artist: Joe Satriani

I've been out walking for hours
I've got something on my mind
How did we get here? where are we going? 
And why is life so hard? 

Whispering a Prayer

Artist: Steve Vai
I don't know how Steve Vai composed such a beautiful song in 2001, 
but this song really has a soul

Christmas With You

Artist: Rick Springfield

This night, Christmas seems so far away
Somewhere, are you missing me?
I'm wishing and watching
A star and I pray
To live in a world where we all can be free

Jessie's Girl

Artist: Rick Springfield 

Jessie is a friend,
yeah, I know he's been a good friend of mine
But lately something's changed that ain't hard to define
Jessie's got himself a girl and I want to make her mine
And she's watching him with those eyes
And she's lovin' him with that body,I just know it
Yeah 'n' he's holding her in his arms late,late at night

The Way You Look at Me

Artist: Christian Bautista

No one ever saw me like you do
All the things that I could add up to
I never knew just what a smile was worth
But your eyes say everything without a single word

Through My Veins

Atrist: Richard Marx

I saw you in the window
Of a cafe I passed by
And though clearly my reflection
It was your face I recognised

“The Hell Country”

I saw this picture, in January 2009, at the meeting of WFLT that was taken place in Belem (Brazil). Before some delegates from WCC started the session on refugees and street children, they showed some interesting pictures as a background for the session. At that time, this one was my favorite picture.

Ululantes e Vampiros


Jakarta, 10 Maret 2008
Waktu sudah menunjukan jam 09.00 WIB, dan entah kenapa rasanya kok seperti  judul lagu “I Don't Like Monday”. Cuaca sepertinya mau mendung, tapi saya tetap harus pergi kerja, sekalipun terasa “I Don't Like Monday”. Saya kemudian berangkat kerja naik motor kesayangan dengan melewati rute yang biasa saya lalui.

Entah kenapa saat itu ada beberapa polisi pamong praja yang memblokir jalan, tapi saya tidak perduli, pokoknya saya tetap harus melewati rute itu sekalipun lagi diblokir. Setelah motor saya pacu beberapa lama, tiba-tiba pandangan rasanya terganggu dengan semakin banyaknya polisi pamong praja yang berkeliaran sambil membongkar bangunan-bangunan liar.

Memang, rute yang biasa saya lewati itu banyak terdapat bangunan-bangunan liar, tempat di mana sejumlah orang menyambung hidup melalui jalur informal. Di daerah itu juga terdapat anak-anak kecil yang tampak kumuh bermain dengan gembira, maklum orang tua mereka bukan orang kaya, mereka hanya menyambung hidup dengan mendirikan bangunan-bangunan liar.

"Whoever feeds on me will draw life from me"

Jakarta, Desember 2007

Dua bulan lalu saya pergi ke Carrefour di wilayah Duta Merlin (Jakarta), salah satu tempat perbelanjaan yang begitu ramai dikunjungi orang. Sejumlah cashier yang ada di situ tampak begitu penuh, puluhan orang harus ngatri untuk membayar barang belanjaan yang mencapai 1-2 troli. Saat itu saya cuma membeli beberapa barang saja. Karena jumlahnya tidak banyak, barang-barang tersebut akhirnya saya pegang di tangan. Setelah ngantri cukup lama, ah….. akhirnya kesampaian juga membayar barang-barang tersebut di cashier. Habis belanja, saya langsung bergegas ke tempat parkir motor, maklum motor adalah kendaraan favorit. Lokasi tempat parkir memang tidak jauh, namun saya tetap harus jalan kaki beberapa meter untuk mencapai tempat tersebut. 

Allah Maha Besar??

Jakarta, Januari 2008
Hari ini sebuah kidung melintas di telinga saya, kidung tersebut begitu indah, ya…… seindah liriknya. Soal judulnya, wah…. entahlah saya tidak tahu judulnya. Apa yang terekam dalam ingatan hanyalah potongan lirik yang berbunyi: “Ketika ku berdoa, mujizat itu nyata”. Potongan lirik ini sebenarnya lumrah ditemukan dalam gemerlap kekristenan di Indonesia. Sebuah potongan yang memberikan keyakinan bahwa Allah memang sungguh besar, makanya mujizatnya juga nyata. Gambaran Allah yang begitu gemerlap dengan mujizatnya mendadak berubah pada saat saya teringat keseharian menyusuri kota Jakarta. Istilah mujizat kehilangan relevansinya dan Allah pun kehilangan pesonanya. Menyusuri kota Jakarta bagaikan menatap Allah yang sedang tertidur pulas dalam mimpi yang panjang. Mujizat menjadi kosa kata yang bergerak terbalik terhadap realitas kehidupan yang dijalani oleh kaum miskin di kota Jakarta.



Signing the Day's Production of Guinness

A Broken Heart

Sem Titulo

Mulher No Quarto




Somewhere on Earth

In 2007, on the way to Trier (Deutschland), I just sat in the car while the day was getting dusk. Suddenly, I was fascinated by the sight that occurred in front of my eyes.


I took a picture of this view in January 2009 when I was visiting Kampen for the second time. The reddish sky had driven me to perpetuate this moment.



Green and Blue

GKI Pamulang


Perguruan Santriloka Kecam Alquran dan Haji
Rabu, 28/10/2009 12:36 WIB
Sumber: http://surabaya.detik.com/read/2009/10/28/123601/1230072/475/perguruan-santriloka-kecam-alquran-dan-haji

Mojokerto - Perguruan Ilmu Kalam Santriloka menganggap sebagian isi Alquran sesat dan membahayakan persatuan. Perguruan ini juga mengecam ibadah haji yang dianggap sebagai pembodohan Bangsa Arab terhadap Bangsa Indonesia.

"Alquran sebagian salah dan sesat, sebagian benar. Seperti Surat Alkafirun, itu sesat. Bukan kalam Allah tapi suara orang Arab," kata Pengasuh Perguruan Ilmu Kalam Santriloka Kiai Ahmad Naf'an kepada detiksurabaya.com di Padepokan Santriloka, Kelurahan Kranggan gang 5, Kota Mojokerto, Rabu (28/10/2009).

Menurut pria yang biasa dipanggil Gus Aan ini, Surat Alkafirun menyerukan perpecahan, bukan persatuan. "Bagaimana, kok bisa Tuhan Allah mengecam dan menyuruh orang agar memusuhi orang yang dianggap kafir," jelas Aan.

Terkait dengan Alquran yang beredar di Indonesia, Gus Aan menyatakan salah. Menurutnya, Alquran bukan dari Bahasa Arab. Melainkan Bahasa Kawi, Bahasa Sansekerta dan Bahasa Jawa Kuno. Alquran merupakan buatan orang Arab untuk menjajah Bangsa Indonesia.

"Alquran yang ada ini, dimodifikasi oleh orang-orang untuk merusak Majapahit, Jawa dan Pancasila. Siapa yang bertanggungjawab, kalau Alquran ini salah. Apa nabi mau tanggungjawab," tambah Aan sambil menunjuk Alquran yang ada di depan kakinya.

Terkait ibadah haji, Gus Aan juga menganggap ibadah haji saat ini tidak sesuai dengan inti ajaran Islam. "Siapa yang menyuruh ke Makkah. Dulu banyak orang mati di Terowongan Mina. Begini kok katanya perintah Allah," kata Gus Aan berapi-api.

Menurut Aan, ibadah haji sebenarnya tidak harus pergi ke Makkah dan sekitarnya. "Sudah dikatakan, kalau Allah itu dekat seperti urat nadi, kenapa umat Islam mengitari batu, dan mau dibodohi orang Arab," kata Gus Aan menambahkan.

Sebelumnya Pondok Pesantren dan MUI di Mojokerto meminta polisi melacak keberadaan pengajian Ilmu Kalam Santriloka. Ajaran pengajian komunitas itu dianggap sesat karena tidak mewajibkan puasa Ramadan dan salat 5 waktu. (fat/fat) 

Perguruan Santriloka Kecam Alquran
Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009
Sumber: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/85787/Perguruan_Santriloka_Kecam_Alquran

MOJOKERTO--Aliran keagamaan aneh kembali muncul di Jawa Timur. Kali ini muncul aliran Perguruan Ilmu Kalam Santriloka di Kelurahan Kranggan Gang 6 No 6, Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon, Mojokerto. 

Aliran ini tidak mengakui Alquran berbahasa Arab. Mereka juga mengecam ibadah haji yang dianggap sebagai pembodohan bangsa Arab terhadap bangsa Indonesia.

Ahmad Nafan, pemimpin perguruan tersebut, mengatakan sebagian isi Alquran sesat dan membahayakan persatuan. Dia mencontohkan Surat Alkafirun yang dinilainya menyerukan perpecahan, bukan persatuan. "Alquran bukan dari bahasa Arab, melainkan bahasa Kawi, bahasa Sansekerta, dan bahasa Jawa Kuno. Alquran merupakan buatan orang Arab untuk menjajah bangsa Indonesia," tuturnya.

"Alquran sekarang dimodifikasi oleh orang-orang untuk merusak Majapahit, Jawa, dan Pancasila. Siapa yang bertanggung jawab, kalau Alquran ini salah. Apa nabi mau tanggung jawab," kata Ahmad Nafan, Kamis (29/10) di Mojokerto.

Dia mengungkapkan banyak kesalahan orang-orang yang mengaku memeluk Islam karena tidak mengerti Islam. Misalnya waktu shalat Dhuhur. Ia menjelaskan, Dhuhur sebenarnya dari kata bahasa Jawa, yakni 'luhur'.

"Di dalam Alquran tidak ada perintah shalat Dhuhur, tetapi kita diminta untuk melakukan empat budi luhur saat siang hari kepada sesam manusia. "Apalagi perintah sholat di masjid, ya nggak ada," kilahnya.

Dia juga memastikan Islam masuk di Indonesia dibawa orang Jawa di zaman Mojopahit dahulu, seperti Sunan Kalijogo dan kawan-kawanya. "Jangan ngomong Islam tetapi tidak mengerti Islam itu apa," tandasnya.

Ia menambahkan, berhaji harus dilakukan di Arab itu dinilainya akal-akalannya orang Arab untuk mencari pajak sebanyak-banyaknya. "Kalau manusia ingin menjadi Allah gampang, harus mempunyai 20 sifat-sifat itu. Apa begitu," tanya Naf'an

Pria yang mengaku mempunyai penganut ribuan orang ini, pemahaman Islamnya itu didapatkan dari berbagai buku bacaan yang dirinya tidak mengetahui siapa yang mengarang dan mencetaknya. "Kalau anda ingin negara Indonesia maju ikuti syahad yang benar dan shalat yang benar dan harus mengikuti Islam yang benar. Belajar saya seperti bacaan yang Anda baca, siapa yang membuatnya saya tidak mengetahuinya," katanya saat ditanya dari mana dirinya mendapatkan ilmu tersebut

Menanggapi adanya aliran sesat tersebut, Ketua Majelis Ulama Jawa Timur, Abdushomad Buchori,  mengatakan banyak buku-buku yang bisa membuat pembacanya salah memahaminya. Ini karena kemampuannya yang kurang sehingga bisa menjadikan pembacanya berubah keyakinan.

"Buku kan banyak macam-macamnya. Ada yang dogmatik, misalnya kenapa tuhan itu kok satu? Mengapa kita kok disuruh shalat? Ini sangat membahayakan pembacanya jika tidak memahaminya secara utuh. Jika paham ini dibiarkan liar maka akan menyebabkan stabilitas masyarakat di Jatim, khususnya di Mojokerto, terganggu," paparnya.

Atas kasus tersebut MUI akan melakukan tindakan sesuai standar untuk menghentikan ajaran yang keliru dan sudah banyak terjadi di Indonesia. Misalnya, menggunakan UU no 1 tahun 60 tentang Pranata Agama. Pimpinan atau bupati diminta untuk melakukan tindakan persuasif, atau dengan rujuk ilal hak. "Ada standar prosedur untuk melakukanya," ungkapnya

Abdushomad mengutip pernyataan Naf'an "kalau anda ingin negara Indoneisa maju ikuti syahad yang benar dan shalat yang benar". "Pernyataan ini menarik tetapi perlu diletakkan pada porsinya yang benar. Seperti pernyataanya itu benar tetapi di tempat yang salah," papar Abdushomad. uki/rif

MUI Jatim Haramkan Ajaran Santriloka
Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009 20:49
Sumber: http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2009/10/10/103076/125/101/MUI-Jatim-Haramkan-Ajaran-Santriloka

SURABAYA--MI: Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Provinsi Jawa Timur mengharamkan paham Kalam Santriloka yang berkembang di Kota Mojokerto karena dianggap menyimpang dari 10 pedoman pokok.

Kepala Bidang Informasi dan Komunikasi MUI Jatim, Rachman Aziz, di Surabaya, Jumat (30/10), mengatakan saat ini pihaknya sedang menunggu hasil pemeriksaan dari MUI Kota Mojokerto. "Dari informasi yang kami dapatkan, ajaran tersebut menyimpang dari 10 pedoman pokok yang disepakati MUI seluruh Indonesia," katanya.

Dalam 10 pedoman pokok yang menjadi acuan MUI itu menyebutkan, ajaran Islam dinyatakan sesat, bila tidak percaya pada salah satu Rukun Iman dan Rukun Islam, tidak percaya pada Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai nabi terakhir, mempercayai adanya kitab terakhir selain Alquran, dan menghina nabi. "Paham Santriloka jelas sesat karena tidak mempercayai Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai nabi yang terakhir," katanya.

Selain itu, Santriloka juga meyakini adanya nabi terakhir setelah Nabi Muhammad SAW, yakni Syekh Siti Jenar dan Syekh Maulana Malik Ibrahim. Selain itu, syarat masuk Islam tidak harus dengan bersyahadat, namun cukup dengan menggunakan bunga tertentu.

Dalam aliran itu juga tidak mewajibkan jemaahnya untuk berpuasa pada bulan kesembilan pada penanggalan tahun Hijriah, namun dapat diganti pada tanggal 1-9 bulan pertama Hijriah. Paham itu juga tidak mewajibkan salat lima waktu karena cukup diganti dengan kontak batin.

Perguruan Ilmu Kalam Santriloka memiliki sekitar 700 pengikut dan aktif menggelar pengajian setiap malam Jumat Legi. Kegiatan itu dilakukan berpindah-pindah. Sebab itu, MUI Jatim meminta kepada pejabat daerah setempat untuk menindak aliran tersebut, sedangkan para tokohnya diminta bertobat dan kembali kepada ajaran Islam yang sebenarnya.

"Aliran itu dapat dituntut dengan dasar hukum penistaan agama, sehingga dapat dipenjarakan apabila tidak mau bertobat," kata Racman seraya mengimbau masyarakat untuk bisa menahan diri dan tidak main hakim sendiri.

Sementara itu, Wakil Gubernur Jatim, Saifullah Yusuf, menyatakan, aliran yang dikembangkan oleh Ahmad Nafan itu di luar syariat Islam sehingga sangat menyesatkan. "Ini sungguh menyesatkan. Tetapi kami mengimbau supaya pengikutnya disadarkan dengan cara-cara yang persuasif. Tidak perlu dengan kekerasan," katanya. (Ant/OL-06)

Right Next To Me

Artist: Whistle

Goodbye, it's time for me to go.

I'll call you in the morning,
So I can let you know,
The way I really feel girl,
To put your mind at ease.
If I don't then who will?
If I make it, I still,
Want you to be there with me.
You say, you love and then you learn.
If you've learned to love me baby,
You'll wait 'till I return.
I know it hasn't been easy,
To love a man like me.
Someday, if we try,
There will be no goodbye,
And we will live happily.

If You're not Here

Artist: MENUDOS 

Gotta catch that plane at 7:30
Why haven't you come to say goodbye
Time is running out and I'm still waiting
I'm so lost without you, I could die
Yesterday you said you loved me
Everything seemed to be fine
Today you're not here, I'm so lonely
It's the waiting that's driving me out of my mind

Don't know how I'll sing in that big city
How can I perform if you're not there
This will be the worst of all my journeys
The image of your face will follow me everywhere

I need your tender kisses
The feel of your hands, your caress
Your perfume has me burning
My heart is yearning to touch you
I need you so much

If you're not here, by my side
Can't hold back the tears
I try to hide
Don't think I can take it
I know I won't make it
Make it without you

If you're not here, by my side
Only your love keeps me alive
No sense in dreaming
My life has no meaning
If you're not here

I need your tender kisses
The feel of your hands, your caress
Your perfume has me burning
My heart is yearning to touch you
I need you so much

If you're not here, by my side
Can't hold back the tears
I try to hide
Don't think I can take it
I know I won't make it
Make it withou you

If you're not here, by my side
Only your love keeps me alive
No sense in dreaming
My life has no meaning
If you're not here 

Across The Miles

Artist: Survivor

When I'm all alone on a distant path
And my ticket home
Has been torn in half
Oh, I can hear your voice
Girl, I can feel your touch
Across the miles tonight

On the road again will it always be
That the dream has changed
On its way to reality
Oh but the thought of you
Strange how it pulls me through
Across the miles tonight

And I am sending you this message
Through the wires tonight
Just close your eyes and hold on tight
And here I am concentrating girl
With all my might 
Now the sound of your laughter
Trails off through the midnight sky

As the miles go by cities come and go
When you close your eyes
And listen to the radio
Girl can you hear my song
The signal is clear and strong
Across the miles tonight

And I am sending you this message
Through the wires tonight
Just close your eyes and hold on tight
And here I am concentrating girl
With all my might
Now the sound of your laughter
Trails off across the miles

Will You Be There

Artist: Michael Jackson

Hold Me
Like The River Jordan
And I Will Then Say To Thee
You Are My Friend

Carry Me
Like You Are My Brother
Love Me Like A Mother
Will You Be There?

Tell Me Will You Hold Me
When Wrong, Will You Skold Me
When Lost Will You Find Me?

But They Told Me
A Man Should Be Faithful
And Walk When Not Able
And Fight Till The End
But I'm Only Human

Everyone's Taking Control Of Me
Seems That The World's
Got A Role For Me
I'm So Confused
Will You Show To Me
You'll Be There For Me
And Care Enough To Bear Me

(Hold Me)
(Lay Your Head Lowly)
(Softly Then Boldly)
(Carry Me There)

(Lead Me)
(Love Me And Feed Me)
(Kiss Me And Free Me)
(I Will Feel Blessed)

(Carry Me Boldly)
(Lift Me Up Slowly)
(Carry Me There)

(Save Me)
(Heal Me And Bathe Me)
(Softly You Say To Me)
(I Will Be There)

(Lift Me)
(Lift Me Up Slowly)
(Carry Me Boldly)
(Show Me You Care)

(Hold Me)
(Lay Your Head Lowly)
(Softly Then Boldly)
(Carry Me There)

(Need Me)
(Love Me And Feed Me)
(Kiss Me And Free Me)
(I Will Feel Blessed)

In Our Darkest Hour
In My Deepest Despair
Will You Still Care?
Will You Be There?
In My Trials
And My Tripulations
Through Our Doubts
And Frustrations
In My Violence
In My Turbulence
Through My Fear
And My Confessions
In My Anguish And My Pain
Through My Joy And My Sorrow
In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow
I'll Never Let You Part
For You're Always In My Heart.

Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia

Tempat Ibadah LDII Dibakar Massa
Minggu, 06 Desember 2009
Penulis : Toshi Wicaksono
TEMANGGUNG--MI: Sebuah tempat ibadah milik sebuah organisasi keagamaan, LDII (Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia), di Desa Tlogowiro, Kecamatan Bansari, Temanggung, Jawa Tengah (Jateng) dirusak dan dibakar massa yang tak jelas identitasnya.
Selain melakukan perusakan pada konstruksi bangunan, puluhan orang juga membakar sejumlah properti yang ada di dalam tempat ibadah tersebut. Aksi anarkis berbau SARA ini diduga dipicu kemarahan warga yang tidak menerima aliran agama yang dianut jemaah organiasasi keagamaan itu.
Beruntung, saat kejadian yang berlangsung sekitar pukul 10.00 WIB, Minggu (6/12), itu tidak ada aktivitas ibadah di tempat itu. Sejumlah warga sekitar mengaku tidak tahu kejadian itu. Soalnya, ketika kejadian, sebagian warga tengah beraktivitas di sawah dan ladang.
Mereka juga mengaku tidak tahu pelaku perusakan dan pembakaran. Hanya, mereka membenarkan jika aksi itu disulut lantaran ketidaksetujuan atas ajaran yang dianut kelompok tersebut. "Mereka meminta bangunan itu jangan dijadikan tempat ibadah, tapi tak digubris," kata Kuminto, warga sekitar.
Tidak adanya mobil pemadam kebakaran yang datang membuat seisi tempat ibadah tersebut ludes dilalap api. Aparat Polres Temanggung yang terlambat mencium gejolak warga hanya mendapatkan puing sisa kebakaran. Semestinya kejadian itu bisa dicegah jika aparat keamanan bisa melakukan tugas intelijennya secara maksimal. Maklum, kejadian serupa pernah terjadi pada April 2007 silam.
Kapolres Temanggung AKBP Antony Agustinus saat dikonfirmasi wartawan mengaku belum bisa memberi keterangan lengkap karena masih dalam penyelidikan. Sejumlah saksi telah diperiksa untuk mengatahui dalang dan pelaku aksi perusakan yang terjadi. Namun, pihaknya menyiagakan satu regu personel Polres Temanggung untuk berjaga-jaga di sekitar lokasi kejadian. (TS/OL-04)


115 Warga Diperiksa dalam Kasus Pembakaran Rumah Ibadah
Selasa, 08 Desember 2009 18:44 WIB
Sumber: http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2009/12/12/110337/124/101/115-Warga-Diperiksa-dalam-Kasus-Pembakaran-Rumah-Ibadah     

TEMANGGUNG--MI: Sebanyak 115 warga Desa Tlogowero, Kecamatan Bansari, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, Selasa (8/12), diperiksa oleh polres setempat terkait kasus pembakaran rumah ibadah pada Minggu (6/12).

Mereka datang ke kantor Polres Temanggung dengan mengendarai sejumlah sepeda motor dan mobil. Camat Bansari Bagus Pinuntun dan Kepala Desa Tlogowero Sumali turut mendampingi warganya.

Setelah menuliskan nama dan alamat pada kertas yang diberikan petugas, mereka selanjutnya masuk ke aula Polres dan diberi penjelasan seputar pemanggilan itu oleh Kabag Bina Mitra Polres Temanggung Komisaris Sutardi.

Kapolres Temanggung Ajun Komisaris Besar Anthony Agustinus Koylal mengatakan kedatangan warga atas kesadaran sendiri untuk memberikan keterangan yang sebenarnya kepada polisi dalam kasus pembakaran rumah ibadah warga Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII).

"Kedatangan warga itu atas inisiatif sendiri. Kami sama sekali tidak merencanakan pemanggilan, artinya warga sangat kooperatif dengan kami," katanya.

Menurutnya, status mereka masih sebagai saksi. Peningkatan menjadi tersangka belum dilakukan, karena petugas masih konsentrasi meminta keterangan.

Ia mengatakan, kondisi di Desa Tlogowero telah berangsur kondusif. Petugas kepolisian yang ditugaskan berjaga di tempat kejadian perkara (TKP) akan segera ditarik. Barang bukti yang diamankan dari TKP antara lain karpet tempat beribadah, ban, mebel dan tiang mikrofon yang semuanya hangus terbakar.

Pemeriksaan dimulai sekitar pukul 10.00 WIB dan hingga berita ini dilaporkan pemeriksaan terhadap para saksi masih berlangsung. Mereka yang sudah menjalani pemeriksaan terlihat makan nasi bungkus yang dibagikan oleh petugas. (Ant/OL-01)


Penganut LDII Diminta Pindah
Selasa, 08 Desember 2009 00:00 WIB     
Sumber: http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2009/12/12/110230/76/20/Penganut-LDII-Diminta-Pindah

KETUA MUI Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, KH Yakub Mubarok, kemarin, mengharapkan penganut LDII dan warga Desa Tlogowero, Kecamatan Bansari, berdamai.

Harapan itu terkait dengan peristiwa perusakan dan pembakaran tempat ibadah aliran Islam LDII di tempat itu pada Minggu (6/12) lalu.

Perdamaian antara LDII dan warga setempat, menurut Yakub, bisa dimulai jika LDII dengan sukarela memindahkan tempat ibadah mereka ke daerah lain yang lebih bisa diterima warga.

Yakub menilai sikap LDII yang minoritas dan tertutup membangun tempat ibadah di daerah yang mayoritas penduduknya penganut aliran ahlusunah waljamaah adalah tidak tepat.

''Permasalahan sebenarnya adalah warga setempat yang mayoritas penganut ahlusunah waljamaah tidak bisa menerima keberadaan tempat ibadah LDII di daerah mereka. Karena itu, solusi terbaik adalah kerelaan penganut LDII untuk tidak mendirikan tempat ibadah di daerah itu,'' ujar Yakub.

Kepala Desa Tlogowero, Sumali, mengatakan masyarakat di sekitar sini tidak bisa menerima keberadaan LDII sejak lama. (TS/N-2)

To All the Girls I've Loved Before

Artists: Nicholis Louw & Ray Dylan

To all the girls I've loved before
Who travelled in and out my door
I'm glad they came along
I dedicate this song
To all the girls I've loved before

To all the girls I once caressed
And may I say I've held the best
For helping me to grow
I owe a lot I know
To all the girls I've loved before

The winds of change are always blowing
And every time I try to stay
The winds of change continue blowing
And they just carry me away

To all the girls who shared my life
Who now are someone else's wives
I'm glad they came along
I dedicate this song
To all the girls I've loved before

To all the girls who cared for me
Who filled my nights with ecstasy
They live within my heart
I'll always be a part
Of all the girls I've loved before

The winds of change are always blowing
And every time I try to stay
The winds of change continue blowing
And they just carry me away

To all the girls we've loved before
Who travelled in and out our doors
We're glad they came along
We dedicate this song
To all the girls we've loved before

To all the girls we've loved before
Who travelled in and out our doors
We're glad they came along
We dedicate this song
To all the girls we've loved before

Everything That I am

Artist: Phil Collins

Is this my past here before me 
Is this my story unfolding? 
It's all here to discover 
Everything that I am 
Can this be what I`ve been seeking? 
All my life I've been waiting for this 
And now these memories 
Will they make me see more?

Ooh I want to know where I belong 
I want to know where I came from 
I want to know the reason why I'm here 
The way I am 
Feeling the things I feel 
And I want to know the reason why 
It will be hard but I must try 
I wanna understand just who I am 
And why I'm here 
Feeling my things I feel

Is this my family? 
Can it really be them that I see? 
My father and mother 
And in their arms can it really be me 
All these emotions 
I can barely control 
Cause the family I had 
Is not the family I know?

Ooh and I got to know where I belong 
I got to know where I came from 
I got to know the reasons why I'm here 
The way I am 
Feeling the things I feel

These spirits calling me 
Familiar voices haunting 
Disappearing taunting me 
This is the choice I must make

Cause I know where I belong 
I know where I, I came from 
I know the reason why 
I must decide 
And leave here 
The man I am inside

The future is clear for me to see 
To be the man I'm meant to be 
Like my father with my head up high 
Standing tall 
And proud of all 
That I am

I'm a man!

Now Comes the Night

Artist: Rob Thomas

When the hour is upon us
And our beauty surely gone
No you will not be forgotten
No you will not be alone
No you will not be alone

And when the day has all but ended
And our echo starts to fade
No you will not stand alone then
And you will not be afraid
No you will not be afraid

When the fog has finally lifted
From my cold and tired brow
No I will not leave you crying
and I will not let you down
No I will not let you down
No I will not let you down

Now comes the night
Feel it fading away
And the soul underneath
Is it all that remains
So just slide over here
Leave your fear in the fray
Let us hold to each other
Till the end of our days

GKU Surya Utama


Artist: Sarah McLachlan

I will be the answer
At the end of the line
I will be there for you
While you take the time
In the burning of uncertainty
I will be your solid ground
and I will hold the balance
If you can't look down

If it takes my whole life
I won't break, I won't bend
It will all be worth it
Worth it in the end
Cause I can only tell you what I know
That I need you in my life
When the stars have all gone out
You'll still be burning so bright

Cast me gently
Into morning
For the night has been unkind
Take me to a
Place so holy
That I can wash this from my mind
The memory of choosing not to fight

If it takes my whole life
I won't break, I won't bend
It will all be worth it
Worth it in the end
'Cause I can only tell you what I know
That I need you in my life
When the stars have all burned out
You'll still be burning so bright

Cast me gently
Into morning
For the night has been unkind

I Will Remember You

Artist: Sarah McLachlan

I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I'm so tired but I can't sleep
Standin' on the edge of something much too deep
It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word
Though we are screaming inside oh we can't be heard

I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to loose
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
But once there was a darkness, deep and endless night
You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light

That I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

Let Her Cry

Artist: Hootie & The Blowfish

She sits alone by a lamppost
Trying to find a thought that’s escaped her mind
She says dad’s the one I love the most
But stipe’s not far behind

She never lets me in
Only tell me where’s she’s been
When she’s had too much to drink
I say that I don’t care I just run my hands
Through her dark hair and then I pray to god
You gotta help me fly away

And just...
Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.

This morning I woke up alone
Found a note by the phone
Saying maybe, maybe I’ll be back some day
I wanted to look for you
You walked in I didn’t know just what I should do
So I sat back down and had a beer and felt sorry for

Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.


Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.

Last night I tried to leave
Cried so much I just
Could not believe
She was the same girl i
Fell in love with long ago
She went in the back to
Get high
I sat down on my couch
And cried
Yelling oh mama please
Help me
Won’t you hold my hand.

Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.

Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.


Beril Huliselan
(Jakarta, 2006)

Idividual and community identities are located in tension between
belonging and difference,historically, culturally, and religiously. 1

Pernyataan ini diuangkapkan oleh Cliver Erricker dan Jane Erricker pada saat mereka mencoba melukiskan tantangan spiritual dalam dunia kontemporer,2 di mana istilah belonging dan diffrence mendapat tempat dalam penelusuran mereka. Setiap individu memiliki kebutuhan untuk menemukan tempatnya di dalam masyarakat (belonging), di mana sense of solidarity, trust, and obligation dibangun. Sebuah kebutuhan yang dipandang menjadi pijakan penting bagi spiritualitas, sebagaimana diungkapkan Cliver dan Jane Erricker: “To speak of belonging is to evoke a sense of the spiritual”.3 Masyarakat yang dibahas oleh Clive dan Jane Erricker adalah masyarakat yang diposisikan secara partikular. Hal ini berarti, apa yang disebut Clive dan Jane Erricker sebagai sense of solidarity, trust, and obligation pada dasarnya terajut dalam partikularitas sosio-kultural tertentu di mana setiap individu mengambil bagian di dalamnya (belonging). Oleh karena itu, apa yang disebut spiritualitas dengan sendirinya terajutan dalam partikularitas sosio-kultural. Hal ini membawa Clive dan Jane Erricker sampai pada pemikiran: “Spirituality does not lie in some nether region of transcendental deliverance but must be grappled with in the politics of this world”.4 Penekanan yang dilakukan oleh Clive dan Jane Erricker tampaknya penting untuk diperhatikan, mengingat semangat pencerahan abad 18 yang berkembang di Eropa menghasilkan diferensiasi terhadap berbagai aspek kehidupan sosio-kultural (ekonomi, politik, ilmu pengetahuan, agama dan sebagainya); dalam konteks ini, agama diposisikan ke dalam private sphere of life. Kecenderungan ini berjalan dalam semangat untuk menemukan spesifikasi dari berbagai aspek tersebut; setiap aspek dipandang memiliki esensinya tersendiri. Semangat seperti ini ikut mempengaruhi penelusuran terhadap agama, karena itu berkembang obsesi intelektual untuk menemukan spesifikasi (esensi) dari agama; agama tidak lebih dari sebuah feature dalam kehidupan sosio-kultural. Dalam pengamatan Jeremy Carrette dan Richard King, kecenderungan ini, terkait dengan persoalan spiritualitas, memiliki kelemahan yang akut:5 “The desire to attribute a universal essence to the meaning of spirituality also ignores the historical and cultural traces and differences in the uses of the term. Searching for an overarching definition of 'spirituality' only ends up missing the specific historical location of each use of the term. There is no view from nowhere - no Archimedian point outside of history - from which one could determine a fixed and universal meaning for the term 'spirituality'”.

None But Jesus


In the quiet, in the stillness
I know that you are God
In the secret of your presence
I know there I am restored
When you call I won't refuse
Each new day, again I'll choose

There is no one else for me
None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free
Now I live to bring Him praise

In the chaos, in confusion
I know you're sovereign still
In the moment of my weakness
You give me grace to do your will
When you call I won't delay
This my song through all my days

There is no one else for me
None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free
Now I live to bring Him praise

I am yours and you are mine...

All my delight is in you Lord
All of my hope
All of my strength
All my delight is in you Lord

When I'm Back on My Feet Again

Artist: Michael Bolton

Gonna break from these chains around me
Gonna learn to fly again
May be hard, may be hard
But I'll do it
When I'm back on my feet again

Soon these tears will all be dryin'
Soon these eyes will see the sun
Might take time, might take time
But I'll see it
When I'm back on my feet again

When I'm back on my feet again
I'll walk proud down that street again
And they'll all look at me again
And they'll see that I'm strong

Gonna hear the children laughing
Gonna hear the voices sing
Won't be long, won't be long
Till I hear them
When I'm back on my feet again

Gonna feel the sweet light of heaven
Shining down its light on me
One sweet day, one sweet day
I will feel it
When I'm back on my feet again

And I'm not gonna crawl again
I will learn to stand tall again
No I'm not gonna fool again
Cos I'll learn to be strong

Soon these tears will all be dryin'
Soon these eyes will see the sun
Won't be long, won't be long
Till I see it
When I'm back on my feet again
When I'm back on my feet again
I'll be back on my feet again

We Will Not Go Down

Artist: Michael  Heart

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight

We will not go down
In Gaza tonight


Artist(Band):Bright Eyes 

Did it all get real, I guess it's real enough
They got refrigerators full of blood
Another century spent pointing guns
At anything that moves
Sometimes I worry that I've lost the plot
My twitching muscles tease my flippant thoughts
I never really dreamed of heaven much
Until we put him in the ground

But it's all I'm doing now
Listening for patterns in the sound
Of an endless static sea
But once the satellite's deceased
It blows like garbage through the streets
Of the night sky to infinity

But don't you weep (don't you weep for them)
Don't you weep (don't you weep)
There is nothing as lucky
Honey, don't you weep (don't you weep for them)
Don't you weep (don't you weep)
There is nothing as lucky, as easy, or free

Don't be a criminal in this police state
You better shop and eat and procreate
You got vacation days then you might escape
To a condo on the coast

I set my watch to the atomic clock
I hear the crowd count down til the bomb gets dropped
I always figured there'd be time enough
I never let it get me down

But I can't help it now
Looking for faces in the clouds
I got some friends I barely see
But we're all planning to meet
We'll lay in bags as dead as leaves
All together for eternity

But don't you weep (don't you weep for them)
Don't you weep (don't you weep)
There is no one as lucky
Honey, don't you weep (don't you weep for them)
Don't you weep (don't you weep)
There is nothing as lucky, as easy, or free
Or free, or free, or free
There's nothing, there's nothing, there's nothing...

In the Arms of the Angel

Artist: Sara McLaughlin 

Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
There's always some reason
To feel not good enough
And it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
Oh beautiful release
Memory seeps from my veins
Let me be empty
And weightless and maybe
Ill find some peace tonight

In the arms of the angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there

So tired of the straight line
And everywhere you turn
Theres vultures and thieves at your back
And the storm keeps on twisting
keep on building the lies
That you make up for all that you lack
don't make no differences
Escaping one last time
It's easier to believe in this sweet madness
oh.... his glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

In the arms of the angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here