
Sir Winton: "I know crowds of people who go to church and synagogue who aren't religious .... religion, in most cases is a facade."


John Lenon: "Imagine no possessions,...no need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people sharing all the world".


Marx: "The struggle against religion is ... the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion".


Parseus: "someday, someone gonna have take a stand. Someday, someone gonna have to say enough".


Ben Echo: "If forgiveness is the absence of law enforcement, than forgiveness is nothing but anomie".

Polisi Arab Saudi Pukuli Ulama Kanada

TEMPO Interaktif, Seorang ulama terkenal asal Kanada yang sedang melakukan ibadah haji ditahan polisi Arab Saudi di Madina, setelah sebelumhya dipukuli dengan benda keras. Demikian keterangan sejumlah saksi mata yang berhasil dihimpun Al Jazeera, Senin, 31 Oktober 2011.
Keterangan tersebut dibenarkan pemerintah Kanada melalui juru bicara kantor Kementerian Luar Negeri yang disampaikan kepada pers oleh Kedutaan Besar Kanada di Riyad. Namun demikian, Kemeneterian Luar Negeri Kanada tak memberikan keterangan lebih rinci.

The Evangelical Rejection of Reason

THE Republican presidential field has become a showcase of evangelical anti-intellectualism. Herman Cain, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann deny that climate change is real and caused by humans. Mr. Perry and Mrs. Bachmann dismiss evolution as an unproven theory. The two candidates who espouse the greatest support for science, Mitt Romney and Jon M. Huntsman Jr., happen to be Mormons, a faith regarded with mistrust by many Christians.