
Sir Winton: "I know crowds of people who go to church and synagogue who aren't religious .... religion, in most cases is a facade."


John Lenon: "Imagine no possessions,...no need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people sharing all the world".


Marx: "The struggle against religion is ... the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion".


Parseus: "someday, someone gonna have take a stand. Someday, someone gonna have to say enough".


Ben Echo: "If forgiveness is the absence of law enforcement, than forgiveness is nothing but anomie".

A Common Home for All of Creation:

The Church’s Mission in the Context of Change and Pluralism
 in Indonesia and East Timor 

National Consultation on Mission 2012
Jakarta, 6-9 May 2012

I.    Preface

The era of reformation in Indonesia (since 1998), although marked by a welcome transition toward democracy, has nonetheless failed to resolve the problems of poverty, corruption, injustice, environmental destruction, and violations of human rights.  A similar situation is faced by East Timor since it gained its independence from Indonesia after a referendum in 1999.

In our present condition, the churches of Indonesia and East Timor struggle with the following realities:

a.     A large number of citizens living below the poverty line, facing the threat of  malnutrition, unemployment, and decline in human resources
b.    A culture of corruption that is increasingly entrenched, especially among state actors
c.    Destruction of the environment: deforestation, replacement of native forest by  plantations, mining and its poisonous waste
d.    Destruction of the marine ecosystem due to overfishing and pollution
e.    New industrial areas displacing people from their traditional cultures, while at the  same time attracting prostitution and a consequent increase in the number of  people with HIV/AIDS
f.      A rise in the incidence of domestic violence, in which women and children are the chief victims
g.   Weak efforts at prevention and enforcement against the distribution of dangerous drugs 

Merajut Persekutuan Melalui Pekabaran Injil

 Refleksi Bersama Peserta Konsultasi Nasional Pekabaran Injil
Persekutuan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia
Semarang, 11 November 2011

I.          Pendahuluan
Konsultasi nasional pekabaran Injil (Konas PI), yang berlangsung di Semarang dari tanggal 8-11 November 2011, merupakan artikulasi keyakinan iman gereja-gereja di Indonesia akan tugas dan panggilannya memberitakan Injil yang adalah shalom Allah bagi bumi dan segala isinya. Hal ini sejalan dengan: pertama, kesaksian Alkitab yang adalah pijakan bersama (common center) dalam gerakan ekumene; kedua, posisi teologis mengenai pekabaran Injil yang diambil oleh gereja-gereja di Indonesia sebagaimana tertuang dalam Dokumen Keesaan Gereja; ketiga, capaian gerakan ekumene di tingkat internasional yang termuat di dalam dokumen Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World: Recommendations for Conduct.   
Realitas kontemporer telah memunculkan berbagai macam kejutan bagi gereja-gereja di Indonesia yang tengah bergumul mewartakan Injil di berbagai tempat. Persoalan sosial, politik, ekonomi, budaya sampai pada gerak eksplosif di dalam agama-agama muncul ke permukaan. Bahkan, beragam ekspresi identitas keagamaan termasuk di dalam kekristenan itu sendiri – kerapkali ditemukan bergerak saling-silang dengan persoalan-persoalan sosial, politik, ekonomi dan partikularitas identitas budaya. Kenyataan ini menghasilkan tantangan yang rumit mengingat berbagai macam friksi dan resistensi  terjadi di ladang pekabaran Injil.